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Penetrate Rust and Corrosion
QMaxx is thin enough to penetrate the toughest rust, dirt and corrosion. It seeps deep into small crevices and into the threads of rusted nuts and bolts. QMaxx breaks up rust and restores moving parts to full function.
Lubricate Moving Parts
QMaxx lubrication reduces friction. It forms a non-abrasive barrier against moisture and dirt. Products with NanoMaxxTM technology fill tiny surface pits with industrial diamond particles that work like microscopic ball bearings.
Repel Dirt, Grit and Sand
QMaxx dries quickly and forms an invisible barrier to keep surfaces clean and dry. NO oily residue. NO gummy film to pick up the particulates that cause wear and tear. Moving parts function smoothly and last longer.
Water Displacement
QMaxx patented water-displacement technology prevents rust and corrosion. Because it’s heavier than water, QMaxx actively pushes moisture away from surfaces then bonds molecularly with metal to create a long-lasting barrier.
Clean Surface Rust
QMaxx engineers the right balance between aggressiveness and safety. The solvents dissolve and clean surface rust and corrosion without damaging electrical circuitry and equipment surfaces.
Adhere to Chain Drives
QMaxx bonds to metal for fling-free lubrication and rust-fighting protection. QMaxx withstands the high-speed centrifugal force chain drives and fast-moving machine parts sustain.
Ensure Superior Dielectrics
QMaxx has excellent electrical insulating properties to provide electrochemical protection against galvanic corrosion. It maintains conductivity in electrical circuitry while it insulates outdoor light sockets to extend the life of bulbs.
Protect Under Extreme Conditions
QMaxx performs under the most demanding environmental, work and sport conditions. Snow and ice won’t freeze to metal surfaces—down to -50°F/-46°C. QMaxx even protects against saltwater corrosion and destructive road salts.
hear it from our customers
Great Product!
I have used Black Diamond on my aircraft flight control hinges, fittings, pulleys, and
engine control cable housings. The results are much better than the typical aircraft
lubricants, moisture proofing, or corrosion control, such as LVS, LPS, Corrosion X and
pulley lubricants. I would recommend Black Diamond over any currently marketed
aircraft lubricant/corrosion control agents.
QMaxx BLU is absolutely one of the best gun cleaners I’ve used. It keeps my gun
cleaned and oiled in one application and keeps
my gun from depositing any rust what so ever. Ten out of 10 on this product.
#1 product around!
I fell into a river with my pistol. It has not worked since. I have sprayed and soaked it
with every kind of penetrating oil on the market and none have worked. Sprayed the
pistol with QMaxx and it fired 10 rounds without a hang up. We shot a video of the pistol
hanging up, spraying it with QMaxx and loading it with 9 or 10 bullets and firing all the
bullets after spraying it. I tried your product and it is everything you said it